Tuesday, 18 December 2007

Momoshiro Takeshi//The key to my lock\\13

recap: "Wow. This is some room." I gushed. It was true, my new room was nothing like my old one, and it was big too. I put my bag down beside the bed. I'll unpack later.


"You wanna play some tennis? There are some courts down ther road." Momo asked hopefully.

"Sorry, I can't tonight. Have gotta coach the kiddies. You wanna come along? I'll explain to Mrs. Kanagi. Bring your homework and stuff too. I can help you too."


"Right right. I'll be until about 8.30. So if you wanna play tennis after that I'm okay with it.

"Nah. I'd rather go for burgers. There's tennis practice tomorrow morning anyway."

"Whatever you say then. Oh gosh! We're almost late! C'mon let's go!" I grabbed my swimming stuff and my homework, Momo got his stuff, and we sprinted off.

Once there, I explained everything to Mrs. Kanagi, gave the hyper lil' kiddies some light trainingand coached all of them in their schoolwork- Momo included.

I completed my work in 20mins, but Momo took an entire hour-with my help- to finish his.

"Wonder how long you'll take if I don't help you."

"My saviour!" He threw his hands up in the air. The kids giggled. I shook my head lightly and went back to coaching them. Afterwards, Momo found a fast food restaurant and rushed in. Before I could order anything, he was already back at the chair with almost a dozen burgers. By the time I went back, he'd already finished three of his burgers, and was already starting on the 4th one. I had three burgers, and finished all of them just as Momo finished his last one.

"You sure eat a lot, don't you?" I stared in disbelief as he rubbed his full stomach.

"You're not bad yourself- just five away from what i had. Usually people order just one."

"Then I guess we're not usual people huh." I smirked.

"Yeah. Oh, you've got some crumbs. Here let me get that..." He reacged towards me and wiped away the crumbs with his finger.

"You've got some too." I leaned forward and kissed his lips. Then, I smirked and returned to my seat, licking my lips.

"Boy that was some burger- uh- burgers! I should order that next time." I left Momo dumbfounded and blushing a hundered different shades of red. I laughed inwardly.

"Uh... right then. Let's go... Early day tomorrow, and I'm getting sleepy. He stiffled a huge yawn and took my hand.

"Right..." I yawned. Hell that yawn was contagious.

We stopped just outside Momo's house. He gave me a light peck on the cheeck before going in.

I went into my room to change and brush my teeth before I sleep. Momo came in to say goodnight while I was fixing the last of my broken uniform.

"Hey. Not sleeping yet?"

"Gonna." I pulled the string and cut it off, then I tied a dead knot. "Done."


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